This is terrible
You recorded your audio badly and i know you dont have to have the best mic to make cartoonss but i can literally hear your fucking mouse click when you start and stop recording. The carachters and linework are ugly and i know you may call this a "style" but its just you being shit at drawing. The colors seemed to be picked from the default color swtch of flash which makes this cartoon even more laughable. The one joke about the death guy wanting to date a duck was cringeworthy and came across ams trying too hard woth the draminizations that followed.
I read your response to AtomicAstro's review and it made you come across as such a fucking douchebag.He said aa simple thing stating that cartoons that arent finished shouldnt be uploaded and you came back with willcamick responds:
o_O Why dont you go tell Miss Finster on me there Randall. What did Papa Smurf say? Shut up I do what I want and if you dont like it you can go suck a lemon.
"But all jokes aside shut up. People like you are why I stopped posting my work to NG in the first place. You make a few shit animations and think your king of the shit stains. "
Just because someone states a clear rule doesnt make him an asshole. Also the fact that you said reviews like his are the reason you stopped coming to newgrounds in the firstplace irritates me. I hate it when shitty artists come to NG and post shitty art and cartoons get reviews that are completly 100% provable and get angry and complain about how Newgrounds is a mean site full of cyber bullies. Maybe dont put up work thats unfinished and terrible and you wont get such mean reviews, loser.